
BAE Qualit?t Top quality and reliability are the core elements of the success of our products. Besides to our products these hallmarks also apply to our company philosophy.

As a well-recognized manufacturer for premium industrial batteries BAE is aware of its responsibilities to customers, its employees, society and environment. The commitment to quality and the fulfilment of the highest environmental standards, which are embedded in our company standards, have led to a certification according to the quality management standard ISO 9001 in 1995 and to the environmental management standard ISO 14001 in 2004.

The latest success, which is a natural consequence of our company strategy, is the implementation of a management system for “Occupational Health- and Safety Assessment Series” (OHSAS 18001) in the year 2012.

BAE quality management pervades to all areas and the highest quality standards already apply to the selection and procurement of the components which are used in our products. During the different production steps the quality of the raw materials, the intermediate products and the actual production procedure will be checked consequently.

Critical issues will be checked 100% to ensure that only products of highest quality level will be supplied to our customers. All measured or checked details will be collected for verification and statistically observations. Due to all these measures and to the continuous improvement process BAE can offer the highest and consistent quality available.